A TINY sneak peak ... ONE more day!

I've been in my room for 3 days organizing, decorating, rearranging and whatever else teachers frantically do to get ready for the first day of school!

I want to show you all some pictures of just a piece of the work I have been doing ... ENJOY = )

This is my student center. The students have everything they need. They know if this area is misused it will be closed. Students can come here almost any time of the day of they need one of these supplies.

This is my Fireworks Frame Wall (from more of these pictures go to this post) for my kiddos VERY best work!

This is me applying the duct tape. It was hard not to get wrinkles in the tape. The best way was using a continuous strip of tape for each section. And go SLOW!!

This is a BEFORE and AFTER picture of my mostly nonfiction classroom library. The duct tape totally changed the look!! I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE it! It looks more inviting! Here's the link to the basket labels shown here.  


  1. I love the duct tape idea! Going to try it! Thank you!

  2. I love the duct tape idea! Going to try it! Thank you!
