Wishlist Wednesday on TpT

I noticed there were three items on my TpT store that have a very high wishlist rate so I decided to throw my first official sale on those items !!

 My top three items are:

Beginning of the Year Procedures on Powerpoint
Accountable Math Talk Stems for Students - Statements and Questions

Book Basket Labels - Non Fiction Classroom Library

ENJOY!!!! Happy Wednesday!


  1. I just found you on Pinterest because someone had pinned your Classroom Procedure Cards. I teach fourth grade north of Seattle and I am now following you on Bloglovin. I can tell from your blog that you also teach upper elementary.

    1. Yes, I teach fourth grade also! There is a chance in the next year or so my husband would be transfered to Tacoma, WA. I'll message you directly - I have a few questions about the school district. :)
