A Little Magic to Start the Year off Right

I just finished a Magic Number game/trick I will be playing with my students at the beginning of the year. It's a great starter because I make my kids think I am magic and can read their minds! This freaks them out just a little. LOL

***Disclaimer: It's not really magic - Just a number game. Incase some of you were wondering!***

It's VERY easy, and if your students can add one and two digit numbers they will be able to do it too.

Basically, there are 5 magical circles and the children will choose a number and you will ask them questions to figure it out. You will figure it out every time if you don't mess up! Guarantee the students will LOVE IT!

 I have seen a similar math magic trick, but it was hand written and an old, faded copy. I'm not sure where it came from other than it had been passed down from many teachers. I searched the internet, but no luck. If you know who the originator is please let me know!!!

Does anyone have a "magic" trick or game to
intrigue the kiddos?? Please share ...