T minus 14 days and counting!

I'm off to my classroom today . . . I have mixed feeling - Anxious, because I will soon be meeting my bright eyed kiddos. There's always the sadness because my days of leisure and sleeping in (7:30AM) are over!

There are two things on the docket today:

1.     Reclaim my car and home! Every summer I have WAY TOO MUCH school décor and resources in boxes, leaning against walls and on the table. It takes over my home – which is usually VERY clean and tidy. My car is also usually stuffed full with miscellaneous items for my classroom too! TODAY . . . these areas become mine again!

2.     Clean up the garden, so it is presentable at open house. (Thank God I have a brother who is able to help me today!) I had a grant give last year for a large garden that is nothing short of amazing. I am now responsible for the upkeep over the summer. I’ll share a picture on the garden before I left it. When I return home today, I will post updated pictures.   

This is a picture on our hydroponic garden from the second floor in May/June.
This is when things were in full bloom and producing veggies!
*************UPDATE ************
I am so exhausted - I worked my butt off today! I'm so glad I didn't work out this morning. If I had worked out, with all this work outside, I would have NEVER made it through the day! Today it was sunny and 95 degrees (felt like one thousand degrees!!!!) in Tampa and I have the sunburn to prove it! The picture below is the finished product.
TODAY - Four hours after my brother, Chris, and I started cleaning out the
plants and their roots. It's ready for Spring planting!

What I have to look forward to tomorrow morning . . . Let the decorating begin:

Walking in the front door of the classroom you will see the front of the classroom.
I have my desk here, but I use it for the projector and lap top computer. I don't really use my
desk so this was a great alternative. Check out my large window!

This is the back of the classroom. This is also where wer have to pile up
all our things during the Summer. You can also see the other huge window we have - that's
my favorite part of my room. We're on the second floor so we have a wonderful view.

This is a close up of my "classroom in a pile."

These are all my cabinets. GREAT for storage! The hall connects to my team
teacher's class. On that connecting wall is where I'm putting the "Firework Frames!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found you on the blog hop. Welcome to blogging! You have a cute site. I can't wait to see your finished classroom! Come by and visit my blog when you get a chance.


    Kathy’s Coordinated Class
